Friday, March 17, 2006


I have been trying for about three WEEKS to write some poetry for a contest thru the Jax Public Li'berry. I have failed and failed over and over again until yesterdiddy, when my Muse, Frank, buzzed up and whispered two words in my ear. Then he shoved his cigar back in his mouth and flew off on his lil' faerie wings. Here's what I think he wanted me to write:

the old fisherman
searched the vast storm torn shoreline
seeking what he lost

wind plaiting his beard
water rims his ice-blue eyes
as thoughts crash like waves

from the sea she came
brilliant, shining like birdsong
stepping through the tide

she stripped off her coat
let her hair flow down her back
and stretched up her arms

seeing her fay face
he felt breath within him catch
dreamed of what could be

she did not spy him
steal up to her dropped wrapping
carried off to hide

he called her Jenny
placed gold ‘round her finger
held her to his heart
she was to be his
though a wistful wife she made
looking to the sea

when she found her pelt
hidden deep in his sea chest
she felt her heart rise

returned to the sea
he was left to watch the waves
take his selkie bride

1 comment:

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I like the changes you made. It makes much more sense now. We start the poem with the fisherman after he's lost his selkie.

It's nice.