Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Love Old Men

I love old men with old lady faces,
With curly gray hair and
Courteous good graces.

I love their good spirit and jaunty hellos
Their breezy ways and
Their front lawns just so.

They never do grumble
when children may wander
'Cross their gardens so neat
When their ball comes o'er yonder

Their eyes are so glinty
Their nerve very flinty
But you'd never know
the trouble they've seen;
To leave it behind,
They are very keen

Because life is short
And joy is so spare
They'd rather have torte
Than argue warfare.

They've seen it all
They know what they like:
Babies, children, pretty girls and ladies
Good deals and good food
Good laughs and good friends
Good beer and good cheer
All by the hearth
With everyone near.


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Aw, thanks! I'm glad it made you feel good.

Distant Timbers Echo said...

This was an excellent poem. It was gently funny and left a good feeling at the end! Well done.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

::blushing:: Gee thanks. It was just an idle thought galloping through my mind yesterday when I thought the high pressure front had dissappated. Meanwhile, I'm still at work at 5:45 on a Friday night!!!

Hopefully, I haven't lost my pluck.

George Larson said...

I enjoyed that poem.

I am here as random spec-tater.

God word usage and great "atmosphere".