Sunday, September 24, 2006


yet another installment from the series of 80 haiku I wrote in 1.5 hours while teaching up North in Cleveland. Some silly, some serious.

I must grade these papers
The pile grows ever higher
Maybe I’ll burn them…

When can I go home?
I am tired of this place.
I want my own bed

Washing the chalkboards
The water soon turns milky
Must go dump bucket

Standards based lessons
They all need five elements,
Anyone know them?

In the math classroom
Students try to stretch their minds
Can you smell the smoke?

I’m teaching English--
My students can’t write at all
How did I get them??

“come to class prepared!
“I do not give out pencils!
Go buy them yourself!”

I find her gorgeous
She is so pretty to me
Though she is so old

Wrinkles on his hands
Shows the history of his life
And the work he’s done

My grandmothers face
Will come to me in my dreams
Though she is long gone


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I like the first and the last ones best. They are great moments.

Doc said...

This would make a great chapbook!