Sunday, May 21, 2006

Wind Chimes...

When the wind chime tings.
I find I cannot recall every sound it makes.
For that is not its purpose.
The sound it just made is not my concern.
Every sound it makes is new.
And therein lies the beauty of all things.



Distant Timbers Echo said...

Thanks! Iced tea in a mason jar'll just about do it for me.

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Years ago, I might have done just that. A little gov'ment funded ethanol production by-product would have been just what the ol' doctor ordered!

Dead man walking said...

Very cool blog! Good work :)

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Thank you, Shane! Help yourself to coffee and bars!

nblackthorn said...

Me and my husband just got a set of woodstock wind chimes, they're awesome, keep up the good work! xx